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Horse Farm Games
- Games are interesting for horses and riders alike.horses image by Penny Williams from
Working on a horse farm is hard work, and at the end of the day those workers need a way to relax. Creating a number of interesting games gives workers a chance to unwind, as well as the opportunity to enjoy some friendly competition. These games can be entertaining and instructive for both horse and rider, but primarily they are relaxing and enjoyable. - Roping used to play a big role on horse farms and ranches, and it can still be used as an interesting game for horses and their riders. Practicing calf roping can be great fun for both horse and rider, even if no actual calves are available. Tack shops and horse supply retailers sell plastic molds of calf heads that can be easily inserted into bales of hay. These plastic molds make the perfect targets for farm hands perfecting their roping skills, and for horses who need to learn how to properly work a calf once it has been caught.
- Working with cattle is a big part of the job of a horse on a farm or ranch. If the farm is home to a number of cattle, team penning is an excellent game and a great training exercise as well. To get started, the farm hands simply turn a number of cattle out in a relatively small, enclosed area—a ring, arena or corral is the perfect size. Then teams of riders and horses attempt to separate a particular cow from the herd and get him into a pen at the other end of the enclosure. This is a timed event, and the best time wins. Playing this game is a great way to relax around the farm, and the perfect way to train your farm horses as well.
- Farm and ranch horses need to be steady and safe no matter where they are ridden, able to negotiate potentially dangerous obstacles without spooking or bolting. Setting up a trail course consisting of items around the farm is the perfect way for the hands to train their young horses while challenging one another and having some fun. These trail obstacles can consist of nearly anything, from tarps used to cover hay and wood shavings to bridges and pieces of lumber. Arranging these items in different and interesting ways gives the horses, and their riders, a new challenge every day.
Team Penning
Trail Obstacles
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