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What"s The Quickest Way To Purchase Contact Lens Replacements?
There are a lot of people that end up wearing their last pair of contacts far past the recommended date simply because they did not purchase contact lens replacements far enough in advance to be able to safely change out their lenses on schedule.
Depending upon how quickly you need your lenses you may need to pay for expedited shipping.
Most online lens suppliers will ship your order out the next day and they will provide you with several shipping options that you can pay for to get your lenses delivered as quickly as you need them.
Pay extra for priority shipping or to have your package delivered through UPS or FedEx.
They may be able to provide you with next day shipping.
You can also do a few things to remind yourself to buy lenses in advance of when you are scheduled to throw away your last pair.
As soon as you open up that last box of lenses you can make a commitment to place an order for lenses that very same day.
You can also sign up with an online lens supplier that will automatically ship out your lenses according to your schedule.
This is a great option for people that are repeat offenders when it comes to forgetting to order their lenses on time.
Also, it is smart to always keep a pair of glasses in your current prescription on hand in the event that you run into an emergency.
You could lose your lens, scratch your lens, or suffer from an eye infection leaving you unable to wear your last pair of lenses.
Eye Contact Lens Tips for Beginners Whether eye contact lens manufacturers have just recently come out with a style of lens that corrects the specific vision problem you have or if you were leery about wearing lenses and have just decided to give them a try; you need some helpful tips to get you started.
Read these eye contact lens tips intended for those that are about to wear lenses for the very first time: Tip #1 buy contact lenses that can provide you with a considerable level of comfort.
It will take you awhile to get used to wearing lenses.
By opting to purchase one of the most comfortable brands of lenses on the market this transitional period will go much more smoothly.
Turn to the web for information on new lens designs that can provide optimal levels of comfort or ask your eye care professional for their advice on finding a breathable lens.
Tip #2 Take the time to learn proper care from your eye doctor and make good lens hygiene a priority.
It is important to keep your lenses clean and in good condition.
Small rips and tears can leave them susceptible to infection causing bacteria.
Always wash your hands with hot water and soap before handling your lenses.
Change out the solution in your lens case on a daily basis.
Keep your lenses clean and your eyes healthy.
Tip #3 Always carry an emergency kit with you containing some essentials.
You should have: lens solution, a contact lens case, eye drops, and a pair of prescription glasses.
Your lens could irritate your eye or become torn at any point in time.
Instead of trying to suffer through the work day with a lens causing your pain, you can remove the lens and wear your glasses until you are able to open up a new pair of lenses when you get home.
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