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Hemorrhoid Cream
If you are someone who is suffering from the same, then there is some good news awaiting you.
A good hemorrhoid cream can help you get relief from most of the symptoms hemorrhoids.
You can find many such creams being sold widely in the market these days.
Hemorrhoids are known to be caused due to various reasons.
It is known to pass on from one generation to another and is therefore hereditary in most of the cases.
A sedentary lifestyle, which involves sitting for extended periods of time, is also known to cause hemorrhoids or piles, as it is often called as.
Fortunately you can now get yourself cured with the help of a good hemorrhoid cream.
You can find numerous such creams available in the market these days.
Most of them can be classified as over-the-counter ointments and creams.
These creams are known to give immediate relief from itching and burning.
The major ingredient in most of the creams would be a numbing agent, which helps in soothing the pain associated with piles.
You can also find many creams being sold in the market with a claim that they can also shrink hemorrhoidal tissue.
Based on the ingredients in a hemorrhoid cream they can be classified under several types.
While some of them may be anesthetic, some may be analgesic.
Then you have the homeopathic variety to certain other creams that contain hydrocortisone.
You can also find a variety of creams with natural ingredients too that are being sold in the market these days.
Whatever may be the hemorrhoid cream that you may want to buy, it is always preferable that you consult your doctor first.
They are the best placed to advise you on the various products that are available and which ones would be particularly suited to your condition.
Making certain lifestyle and dietary changes along with using a hemorrhoid cream is known to give excellent results when it comes to getting rid of piles.
Doctors for instance, always insist on a fiber rich diet, containing plenty of servings of fruits and diets for those suffering from the condition.
Similarly there is also an entire list of food items that you will need to avoid too.
Drinking lots of water is also recommended for those suffering from piles.
A combination of moderate exercise, certain simple lifestyle and dietary changes along with medication is known to provide lasting relief from hemorrhoids.
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