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Obtaining a Same-Sex Wedding License in California
Vermont, New Jersey, Connecticut and New Hampshire allow same-sex couples to enter civil unions with all of the same legal rights and obligations as marriages.
Oregon, California, Hawaii, Washington and Maine offer limited civil unions.
(Many states that offer civil unions will generally require you to be a citizen of that state, so check state laws in advance.
) In Massachusetts and California, gay couples are able to obtain legal marriage, using the same process and obtaining all the same legal rights as heterosexual couples Unlike Massachusetts, where you must be a citizen of the state to get married, California will legally marry any couple from any state.
Depending on your circumstances and preferences, a California wedding may be the best option for you and your partner.
If so, here are a few things you'll need to know about same-sex marriages in this state.
Some counties refuse to perform same-sex marriages.
These counties are also not allowed to perform heterosexual marriages, in order to avoid charges of discrimination.
So be sure to check ahead of time to make sure you can get married in the area you have chosen.
Different court houses also charge different fees for a marriage license and keep different hours.
Court houses are closed on weekends, so be sure to plan for that.
Some people choose to get their license on a weekday, but post-pone the actual wedding until the weekend or whatever date is best for them.
The paperwork for gay and straight married couples is identical, except for the use of the term "bride" and "groom" (the same-sex paperwork uses "Party A" and "Party B.
") You will need to provide a valid photo ID when you file for the license.
If you have gotten a divorce within the last two years, you will also need official proof of that.
California does not require a health check or blood test.
If you want to have the wedding ceremony right after receiving your license, the court house will generally arrange for that.
A clerk will read the official statements, and a witness will be on hand if you need one.
Different counties charge different fees for this service.
If you are interested in a no-frills wedding, the entire process can be over in about an hour.
If you need information about pre-nuptial agreements, adoption or other areas of family law, contact San Diego family law attorneys Fischer and Van Thiel.
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