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Make Him Realize He Still Loves You – Tips To Make Your Ex Boyfriend Regret The Break Up
If you want to make him realize he still loves you, you need to use rejection to your advantage. Rejection is what's driving you to want him back right now. When he told you that he didn't want you anymore, it stung. It became something you obsessed over and you soon realized that the only way to get rid of that lingering feeling was to get him back. You need to shift that over to him now. You need your ex boyfriend to feel rejected by you. If you can do that, you'll completely change his mindset about the relationship.
So how does a woman go about rejecting a man she's still in love with? Simple. She does it compassionately and calmly. Call your ex boyfriend up when you feel composed and centered. Don't even attempt this if you've just spent the last few hours crying over a picture of him. Pick a time when you know you'll be strong. Then tell him that you've given things a lot of thought and you've come to the realization that the break up was actually a good thing. Expect silence on the other end of the phone. Wish him well and then end the call nicely. That's it. That's the first step you need to take if you want to make your ex boyfriend regret the break up.
Now comes the really challenging part. You need to try and push him out of your thoughts for a few weeks. The man needs to experience life without you in it. He has to go days without hearing from you so he can feel the void that is left in his life. That means no contacting him at all. Stay away from him in person and avoid calling, texting or emailing him. Enlist the help of a friend to help you resist the temptation if you need to. Just avoid him at all costs. If you can stay strong and do this, he'll come looking for you. It's in a man's nature to want the things he can't have so make yourself one of them and you'll be instantly desirable to him all over again.