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Get My Ex Back - Should I Even Try?
Before I answer the question at hand, I would like to share a story that a reader sent to me.
The person in this story I will call Jessica but it is not her real name.
Jessica had been broken-up with "Rick" for 2 months.
She still had strong feelings for him but just didn't see them getting back together.
She wanted him back but everything she tried seemed to drive them apart.
After doing research and putting her findings into action, Jessica and Rick got back together.
The last I heard they have a better relationship than before the break-up.
Getting back together didn't happen all at once for Jessica and Rick.
There were steps that Jessica took to open the door for getting him back.
The problem most people make is they try to get their ex back out of desperation and it almost never works.
Jessica followed a plan and strategy and in her case it worked perfectly.
Now back to the real purpose of this article and to answer the question should I get my ex back? it's a tough question and my answer to you is it depends on a lot of things.
You need to be honest with yourself and determine first if getting back together is even the best thing for you.
Was there a time that your ex treated you well?If you can stand back and say, he never treated you good and was basically a jerk , then maybe he wasn't the right person for you.
Now, if you're convinced he was the right guy for you, then you need to put a plan of action in place so you can be like Jessica and tell yourself "I am ready to get my ex back today".