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How Long Can You Stare at a Person Who is Depressed? And Do Nothing About It
I do not want to live outside my comfort zone.
I too want a better standard of living; when I see expensive products, it affects me as I know I cannot afford it.
I am materialistic too.
I am not extraordinary, neither am I mediocre I am writing this to the world, which is beyond my country's boundaries.
So I thought; honesty is the best policy in life.
I smile as much as I can throughout days, and hope you will smile too.
I admit to the fact; I am not number one, but I will improve! It is a sad reality that people only look at the top.
I understand, as all the publicity and money is spent on the number one individual, including attention, and soon it becomes a household name.
You want it too, and many people love to see what it means, fame, popularity and affluence.
Certainty "I know what I am doing.
" Certainty is good, but an unexpected result may be the outcome.
So, look out for the signs.
You naturally would try your best to pounce on any opportunity that comes by, but somehow people tell you this is bad, that is wrong.
Ultimately, the opportunity cost seems too costly to make any changes.
Success? When? Actually, these people may not have experienced what you have, so they are very unsure of what course of action you are supposed to take.
Yes, you have to prove them wrong.
But success is a long term project, and not an instant outcome production system.
You can succeed, but the way to success is a process, and the achievement is a long term project objective.
This is a fact for us to remember, and that is the reason why people call this an action of leaving the comfort zone.
The result may be unknown.
Yet, we must try.
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