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Anti War Activists Want To Free Pfc Bradley
I have a problem with the fact that activists think that he did a good thing in passing out so much sensitive information about US operations in the region. Most of what he gave away jeopardized just about every phase of the operation. The activists feel that he blew the lid on US atrocities which they say is good. The point is that if that was in fact the object of his passing on the information that he did it would have been OK. He performed an act that is nothing short of treasonous.
I for one can tell you that the US military does not condone the commission of battlefield atrocities. When units go to the field and conduct training the treatment of civilians and POWs is always addressed. Soldiers are required to know the terms of the Geneva Convention and to apply them.
Now after saying all of that let me say this; I dont live in a box and I am not nave enough to believe that atrocities cant or dont happen. As a matter of fact there is no doubt in my mind that some things have happened. In this case it is perfectly fine for Pfc Manning to report them. I would have done the same. I would have utilized my chain of command to report any incidents that I knew of and given them time to act before I went public.
Pfc Manning committed treason and he was more than happy to do so. He made information public which put the lives of other American and NATO troops in danger along with countless innocent civilians. For these acts he needs to be punished severely.
What the activists dont seem to understand is that the lives that he put in danger are the lives of young men and women who are fighting terrorists on their behalf. This is not something that we should be happy about by any means. Two wrongs dont make a right under any circumstances. Divulging classified and sensitive information which endangers the lives of American servicemen is very serious business. Maybe if some of them had to be on the receiving end of some terrorist bullets they would begin to see things differently.
Unfortunately it is all too easy to take the efforts and the lives of our servicemen for granted. Looking in from the outside is one thing. It is easy to take the stance that classified information should be divulged when you dont understand the ramifications of the action and the cost that it will have on our servicemen and women who have to do our dirty work
We need to wake up in this situation and understand the reality of what happened. This is not a game or Hollywood. Some people will probably lose their lives as a result of this action. How would you feel if that person happened to be you? Military Ring Express
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