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The Real Terrorist - Anger
The real terrorist includes you when you live or act without consciousness.
The real terrorist is you when you hurt people you love, when you lose your faith in nature.
The real terrorist is self-deception.
More religion does not solve the problem.
In most cases it rationalizes stupidity or at least masks it with a false face.
The ego of the determined fool is justified by some religion, somewhere.
Rationalizations are mini religions.
We don't even need to belong to an establishment to have a foolish belief set.
The solution to terrorist is inner peace.
A state that comes from relaxation.
Anger, determination, fear and greed knock out this inner peace.
Kindness, gentleness, compassion for others and love, sustain it.
Too often this inner peace is a momentary physical state achieved in a yoga room, or in front of a TV or in some eastern practice done for a few moments each day.
The real inner peace is one that travels with you wherever you go.
I call it stillness.
To find inner peace one needs to unravel the twists in their thinking that cause anger, fear, frustration, determination and greed.
This is not achieved by wanting it alone.
One cannot achieve resolution to anger by determinations that anger is bad, therefore I won't have it.
That's the new age deluded man or woman.
Resolution to be anger free, or fearless requires extreme self awareness.
It is not by rejecting anger that we become anger free.
It is, in fact, by accepting it.
When I can confess to myself, "gee, I am really angry about that" then I have achieved two great things in my life.
The first is that I am honest within myself.
This is a major step.
The second is that I have put a gap between what I feel and what I do.
I have many times witnessed my actions and behavior, words or thoughts toward someone that are unusual.
I have in those moments wondered what that person did that made me act differently.
But now, I am more honest with myself.
I can say, if I act strangely, "gee, I wonder what I am feeling that made me act differently?" I am now able to trace the source of my actions and feelings back within.
The real gift of that is to find the real source of my anger.
I see so many people faking niceness.
They are like the terrorist or fundamentalist, a ticking time bomb of human emotion but with a fake disguise.
We are all aware of such people, but often not aware enough of it in ourselves.
If I can trace the source of the turbulence back to my own heart, and I can find the trigger, I can evolve from it.
Then nature has done her work on me.
Simply, anger is contradiction between my expectation and the real world.
One is in my head, the other is as nature intended.
I once thought life could be measured against my own ideals.
I had a picture of peaceful, nice people, being generous and warm and friendly toward each other.
I was angry a lot because this was not what I experienced.
To cope, and keep my self-image in tact, I blamed them, the perpetrators, and therefore remained immune from the dynamic.
This didn't work.
I remained angry.
My world shrunk away from those that disturbed my peace.
I sought country life, hidden from melee, I turned off the news and sat beneath the greenest tree to meditate.
But the spider crawled on my leg, the bird shit on my head, the far off neighbor started an engine.
The peace was fragile, the tranquility not mine.
Then I saw in the storm, the violent gusts of wind and the trees bending, the shape shifting, the dead wood blown away and I got a clue.
It led me away from isolation as a source of inner peace.
It led me away from cross legged meditation, or yoga for peace.
I started to look.
Really look at circumstance and ask, "how can I see it differently.
" Now, with inner reckoning, when my peace is disturbed, I know that it is not the world at fault, because the world is as nature, (read here creator) intended.
It is me who needs to adapt my thinking.
The world that includes those I love, and those I am yet to understand.
It is the journey.
I've also witness repetition in my life.
Incidents that seem to "pop up" again and again.
Like the accusation that I could not be trusted.
These mark my unfinished business.
Circumstances I left behind, but left unfinished.
Such are the burdens we carry when we criticize and judge people in order to move forward and find inner peace.
We become fragile and repetitive until we really let go.
And the only way that ever happens is with love and gratitude.
I now have stillness within.
I lose it once or twice a day.
Not like before, for hours, now, it's just a few moments while I re arrange my projections.
Through this, life becomes my meditation.
People become my yoga class.
Everything is important, beauty is everywhere, even in those situations or visualizations I despise, i can, in a few moments, find the stillness and peace that transforms them to love.
As long as I remain honest with my experience of life, as long as who I want to be, and who I experience myself being are set in a priority so that I am free to grow and evolve.
Then, I do not become another terrorist, inflicting my version of the world on people.
I am now a peace maker.
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