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How Hard Is Getting Rid of Ground Moles?
That is, unless the services of a professional ground mole specialist is employed.
These animals are elusive and multiply very quickly.
Trapping one or two can have very little impact on an entire population of unwanted moles that has overrun an area.
Getting rid of ground moles can be tricky because they can be difficult to locate.
Moles tend to dig tunnels and then abandon them.
Unless you locate an active tunnel, your chances of catching your problems moles are low.
Sometimes groundhog or gopher tunnels can be mistaken for mole habitats.
A molehill will be a literal, conical shaped hill of dirt.
While having a few moles around can be good for your immediate environment, having an overpopulation can be a real headache.
Getting rid of ground moles is definitely called for when multitudes of them overrun your yard or garden.
As with other unwanted pests, getting rid of moles should be undertaken in the most humane way possible.
It is a good idea to research the various types of traps and other removal methods to make an informed decision about the best method to use for a particular situation.
Some people believe in using"green" methods for getting rid of moles.
Many animal control centers can furnish traps that allow people to trap the animals and release them elsewhere.
This can be a laborious and difficult process, however, and there is no guarantee that all the moles in a vicinity will be trapped.
Just one pair of moles can produce seven new infants every thirty days.
There are some old wives tales about getting rid of ground moles that are decidedly the wrong approaches to take.
For example, it does not work to stick a garden hose into a hole and fill the tunnel with water.
The mole will simple leave and relocate a few feet away, possibly where it can do even more damage.
Another incorrect method for getting rid of ground moles is to use poison gas.
This method can make you very ill and can also poison your grass.
All in all, the most effective way of getting rid of ground moles is to hire a qualified professional pest removal specialist.
These specialists understand the behavior of these animals and know how best to deal with them when the moles become problematic.
They know that different methods of getting rid of moles work for different situations and are trained to know which to employ and why.
Of course, getting rid of moles is only part of the problem.
Making them stay away is another issue altogether.
Here again, the qualified professional pest removal specialist is definitely the one to call to do the job thoroughly and correctly.
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