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Facts About Fleas
- Fact: Fleas require blood to survive and reproduce.
- Fact: one female adult flea can reproduce over 140,000 offspring in less than three months
- Fact: fleas are capable of transmitting disease to both pets and people.
- Fact: The bite of a flea can cause a lot of discomfort, Allergy reaction, swelling, itching, even severe itching.
- Fact: fleas can jump over 70 times their height.
- Fact: Fleas are naturally from pesticides protected in two of their life stages.
The two stage that are protected from pesticides is the egg and the pupa.
Egg: laid on the body most of the time can be transferred through out the house as the pet or host moves or travels about.
Larva: A worm like creature that like the bedding, napping of the carpet, dirt and dust, or in even the upholstery, it will try to avoid the sunlight and seeks protection and moisture.
The larva will feed on organic matter such as dried blood, dried skin and hair.
Pupa: is a cocoon stage that is enclosed for protection for up to one year.
Adult: Immediately seeks blood upon emerging from the cocoon stage.
This stage can also live a few months with out food.
- In the absence of a pet humans can become the fleas source of food.
- They can jump onto the skin and or clothing and come and transferred from one place or another.
- They can be deposited on lawns from other Flea infested areas.
- By knowing these flea facts you can arm yourself better and can take the appropriate action to get rid of them.
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