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The Wonderful Benefits of a Vegetarian Diet - Part 1
It was only 10 years ago when most people did not even know what a vegetarian was.
People are beginning to see that a vegetarian diet can help them to lose weight, keep it off, and live better, healthier and longer life.
Everywhere I go now in the United States I see vegetarian restaurants popping up all over the place.
I remember a time when I would be hard-pressed to find somewhere to eat that would cater to vegetarians.
But not anymore.
Science is slowly catching up with what some of us have known for decades.
That time-based diet is what we were created and designed to eat.
There is an estimated 16 million people in the United States alone that are no subscribing to a vegetarian diet.
Adopting a bit.
And diet was once looked upon as fanatical, leftover hippies, and "strange people".
But because of an overwhelming amount of scientific data showing that it can't-based diet can help prevent and in a lot of cases reverse many of the auto immune diseases we face in our society today.
The three most common killer diseases in the United States are heart disease, strokes, and the big dreaded C.
Most medical sciences are unequivocal in their statements that a Western diet is the major contributing factor to these three lifestyle diseases.
Seven out of every 10 Americans suffer and die prematurely from one of these three diseases.
We now know the link between saturated fat, cholesterol, high sugar, high process food and many of these diseases.
Well guess what animal products just happened to be the largest source of saturated fat and cholesterol.
So the more animal products we eat no more than any we are to suffer from these diseases.
If you are a regular meat and dairy product each are then you are 45% at-risk for developing coronary heart disease for males.
If you were to get rid of all the meat products your risk of coronary heart disease will drop to 15%.
If you're a vegetarian that consumes no animal products, and no dairy products, your risk of heart disease will fall to 4%.
This is a huge difference between 45% and 4%.
Majority of people who are overweight or a piece are heavy meat eaters, and consume a lot of dairy products.
In many cases animal products and overweight or hand-in-hand.
When people ask me how I'm able to keep my weight down and consistent year off the year, even though I'm getting older I always tell them that they could do the same if they gave up animal products.
Just removing meat from the diet will automatically reduces your weight, and if you get off of all meat products and dairy products you will see a drastic reduction in your weight, in a very short space of time.
You will hardly ever see an over weight complete vegetarian.
So if you want to lose weight, or just have more energy levels, or have as little impact on the environment as possible then why not try a vegetarian diet.
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