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Element & Birthstone of February
- Amethyst is February's birthstone.Amethyst image by photoBeard from
Amethyst, February's birthstone, is part of the quartz family and is composed of silicon-oxygen, a composition that makes it as hard as rubies and sapphires. During medieval times, people revered the amethyst because of its purple hue. Throughout the Middle Ages, purple, blue and red dyes were difficult to obtain; only the very rich could afford materials in that color. Under the reign of Queen Elizabeth I, sumptuary laws dictated that only nobility could don purple clothing and accessories. Since the exploration of the New World, gemologists have unearthed amethysts in Australia, India, Africa, Sri Lanka and America. - According to Greek mythology, Dionysus colored the amethyst purple after weeping in his wine.Two Goblets with Wine image by Astroid from
Ancient Greeks believed the goddess Artemis and the bacchanal god Dionysus created amethyst. According to Grecian mythology, Dionysus fell in love with a mortal woman named Amethystos. She not only spurned his advances, but she begged Artemis--the virgin goddess and protector of female chastity--for protection. Artemis turned Amethystos into a stone. When Dionysus discovered this, he wept in his goblet of red wine and colored the stone purple. - Amethyst amulets are said to ward off evil spirits.amethyst necklace image by Ferenc Gerak from
According to Gemstone Buzz, amethysts are protective jewels. Not only do they help a wearer from over-imbibing, but they ward off evil spirits and witchcraft. In addition, they bolster a person's inner strength and vigor, while also instilling a sense of tranquility and composure. Because Christianity considers purple the color of Lent, the color of Jesus Christ's suffering on the cross, amethysts represent a sacred color, signifying that a person is remorseful and in a covenant with God. - February is the month of Pisces and Aquarius.pisces & aquarius image by Lucky Dragon from
February has two astrological signs. It is part of the Age of Aquarius as it overlaps January 21 to February 19. It is also the time of Pisces, stretching from February 20 to March 20. According to Astrology Online, the Aquarius quality is positive with the elemental quality of air. February's Pisces side is negative and made up of water. Air elements signify that a person is a knowledge seeker. Aquarians are curious and cerebral but judge themselves harshly, though are magnanimous toward others. People born under the water sign of Pisces are emotional, but become reserved and thoughtful when mulling a problem. - Violets are February's official flower.violet image by Vaida from
The purple violet is February's blossom. According to Myth Encyclopedia, violets were emblematic of Zeus's lover, Io. She was a priestess who served Hera. As Hera was renowned for her jealousy, Zeus turned Io into a heifer to hide her. When Hera saw through Io's mirage she chased her to Egypt where Zeus transformed her to her human self. Jupiter, the planet associated with Pisces, has a moon called Io.
Amethyst Facts
Amethyst Significance
February Elements
February Flower
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