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Taking Care Of Your Clownfish

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In taking care of real-life Nemo or anemone fish or clownfish requires extra care. They live on warm waters of Pacific ocean and Indian Oceans. Even though they are territorial fish and normally guard the sea anemone and coral reefs that they live in, they normally get along with other kinds of fish which makes them as a very good addition for your tank.

1. When choosing a fish tank for your clownfish, you must purchase a huge one because saltwater fish needs extra room as compared with fresh water fish. Its encouraged to buy 30-gallon tank to make a blooming setting to your clownfish.

2. Be sure that you buy those tank-bred clownfish instead of those that were captured from captivity.
The fish will most likely die if theyre from the wild as a result of stress brought by the capture and shipping.

When choosing your clown fish, make sure the one that you will buy has bright colored scales, very clear eyes, lively and alert, and doesnt have signs of white colored spots. Its wise that you purchase the young anemone fish so that you wont have difficulty if you try to breed them. However, if you wish to breed them, you should attempt purchasing the paired one.

2. Seek advice from an aquarium technician or perhaps knowledgeable pet shop employee for lighting and filtration system advice for your fish. A large filtration is preferable to be sure that the fish tank is clean and is filtered properly. Make sure you make weekly water changes for at least 10% of the total volume of water. A timer for lighting can be very good so the fish will get the schedule of sunlight and darkness.

3. Find the perfect fish food for your clownfish. Give food to the fish in a certain time everyday that has a mixture of flakes and frozen food. Keep in mind that your fish should get good vitamins and nutrients so it is going to be healthy and balanced.

4. Maintain the temperature of the fish tank between 24 to 28 degrees Celsius or 76 to 82 degrees Fahrenheit, and the salinity levels between 1.020 and 1.026. It will help your clown fish feel more at home, considering they are tropical fish.

5. Place stones or sea anemone in the aquarium and ensure that there are going to be lots of hiding places. As a result the fish feel better and feel home in the tank. However, sea anemone isn't important within the aquarium if you dont have predators inside your tank.

6. Dont crowd the fish tank with several sorts of fish. Clown fish prefers the place to be peaceful. Overcrowding of the aquarium can cause stress and disease for the clownfish. If you're planning on breeding it, the fish is required to be free from stress because stressed fish are not going to lay eggs.

7. It is best to observe the fish if it has any different behaviour or has a disease or sickness. You should have a information about what diseases will be present in a clownfish so that you can identify it and treat it before it gets worse.
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