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Pet First Aid - Be Prepared for Any Emergency

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I consider my pets members of my family, and do my best to plan for emergencies as much as possible.
It is important as a pet parent to be aware of your pet's normal everyday behavior.
Your pet cannot tell you when he/she is in pain or discomfort, it is up to you to identify if and when they need first aid.
Pet First Aid Kit: To start, put together a pet first aid kit.
Pet first aid kits can be purchased at many pet stores or you could ask your veterinarian for a list of items to combine or add.
The kit will include items similar to a human first aid kit such as: * Vetericyn Wound and Infection Spray * Sterile gauze dressings * 3% hydrogen peroxide * Adhesive bandages * Adhesive tape * Rectal thermometer * Cold pack * Grooming clippers * Eye wash * Penlight * Thermal blanket * Antiseptic cream The above products can be used for any pet; cat, dog or horse.
Vetericyn Wound and Infection Spray, compared to the human product Puracyn and made by the same company, is a non-toxic spray that will kill 99.
99% of infection and bacteria in less than 30 seconds increasing oxygen to the wound and promoting rapid healing.
It is also suggested that you include a list of phone numbers related to pet health or emergencies in the kit as well.
Write down your veterinarian's office number, a 24-hour animal clinic, the national animal poison control center, humane organization, and local animal shelters.
Having this list of numbers on hand will save time and benefit your pet if an emergency occurs.
Make sure that everyone in your family knows that this kit is for the family pet.
Decide as a family where to put it so everyone knows where to find it in the case of an emergency.
Wound Care: In the case that your pet has bleeding wounds, use gauze to apply pressure to the area which will promote clotting.
If a trip to the vet is necessary, it is a good idea to call ahead and describe the injury; letting them know when you will arrive.
Doing this will allow the staff time to prepare for your pet's arrival.
Penetrating Objects: Cats and dogs are known for being curious creatures that can get themselves into a mess of trouble at times.
If your pet has been stabbed by a stick, arrow or other object and it is still in the pet, do not remove it yourself.
Here is what you should do to make sure the object does not penetrate further into the animal: 1.
Get a foam cup 2.
Make a hole in the bottom of the cup and place it over the object 3.
Tape the cup around the object, if the object is long gently cut the object 5 inches above the wound.
If you do not have a foam cup or something similar 4.
If you do not have a foam cup or something similar, gently wrap gauze around the object 5.
Get to the vet immediately As they say, an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.
Be prepared for emergencies; if you are, the emergency won't be quite as scary for you or your pet.
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