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7 Reasons You Should Begin Meditation Today
There are various advantages to meditation. A 20 minutes meditation is equivalent to four hours of sleep. In addition, it also:
1.Boosts immunity
Meditation is proven to boost immunity. A study titled "Alterations in Brain and Immune Function Produced by Mindfulness Meditation" published in the psychosomatic medicine journal of biobehavioral medicine in the July/August 2003 issue indicates that t a short program in mindfulness meditation produces demonstrable effects on brain and immune function. The findings suggest that meditation may change brain and immune function in positive ways.
This does not mean you should not take any vaccines if you meditate regularly. Make sure you take the right vaccines especially if you are immigrating to a different country. Some countries have a mandatory immigration medical exam where you are asked to take a list of vaccines.
2.Manages moods and emotions
Most of psychiatric and psychological disorders have a lot to do with how we manage and balance our emotions and moods. It is very difficult to come to terms with all our negative feelings, but meditation can help counter this. A study conducted by researchers in the Department of Psychiatry at Weill Cornell Medical College gave 11 men and women with generalized anxiety disorder a course in mindfulness-based meditation. The findings suggested that the meditation group enjoyed significant reductions in symptoms of anxiety and depression.
3.Reduces Stress
A study reported in late 2011 issue of journal Perspectives on Psychological Science in late suggests that meditation helps in attention regulation, body awareness, emotion regulation, and sense of self. These factors help us better deal with stress.
4.Helps manage blood pressure
In a study titled "Beyond Medications and Diet: Alternative Approaches to Lowering Blood Pressure: A Scientific Statement From the American Heart Association," the findings claimed that those who meditated reported a better regulated and lower blood pressure than their counterparts who did not meditate.
5.Improves Digestion
When the body suffers from stress the production of cortisol hormone increases in the system. Cortisol, stress hormone breaks down body tissues so that they can be used as an energy source. This leads to increase in the blood sugar level, suppression of the immune system and promotion of fat, protein and carbohydrate metabolism in the body. Since metabolism affects digestion. Once you begin meditating, the stress level goes down reducing the production of cortisol and increasing the oxygen level in the blood. This oxygen goes to all organs including those of the digestive system.
6.Improves focus and concentration
Getting bored? Can't concentrate? Too many distractions? We have all been there. A recent paper in the journal of Psychological Science has tried to identify brain functions enhanced by meditation. The findings report that intensive meditation can help people focus and sustain their attention even during the most mundane activities.
7.Gets peace of mind
We aren't monks selling our Ferrari, but are surely looking for some peace of mind. Not everyone can eat, pray and love their way to peace of mind. The ordinary ones from us meditate. Meditation induces trance and calms down the brain activity. It leads us to the state of thoughtlessness which is the highest level of peace of mind. A 20-30 minutes meditation each day goes a long way to keep you happy, healthy and peaceful inside.
These benefits should be enough to get you going. In addition, it gets the sick out of your sickness. If you have not taken influenza shots yet, you may counter influenza or cold in a while, but meditation will certainly help you combat it better.
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