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Simple Steps to Remedy Hemorrhoids at Home
Hemorrhoids are a too common problem caused by bulging veins in the area of the anus.
Among the many causes, this bulging can be brought about by straining to go to the bathroom or remaining seated too many hours each day.
There are steps you can take at home on your own for treating hemorrhoids.
One of the best ways to treat hemorrhoids is to avoid conditions that cause and aggravate them.
Constipation is a big problem in America and a leading contributor to the formation of hemorrhoids.
When you are constipated, you have to exert more pressure to have a bowel movement.
This causes pressure on the veins near your anus.
When they bulge enough under the pressure, you have hemorrhoids.
Furthermore when you are constipated the hardness of the stools can scrape the intestinal walls as they pass through leading to bleeding.
Constipation can often be remedied by drinking more water throughout the day.
Adding fiber such as psyllium husks or bran along with the additional water will make going to the bathroom less stressful and less painful as well.
A better tasting way to go is to eat more fruits, nuts and vegetables with your meals.
Limiting overly processed and constipating foods are also recommended.
These foods would include anything made with white flour, candies, many dairy products and meats.
If you can empty your bowels with ease, hemorrhoids are less likely to be a problem.
If you have a desk job or just sit a lot during the day, get up more often.
Taking walks will get your blood moving as well as relieving pressure on your bottom.
Walking has the additional benefit of helping to relieve constipation by moving your intestines around inside your body.
Activities such as gardening or athletics that require bending, stretching and twisting of the body may also aid in relieving constipation.
While relieving constipation usually isn't the only step in curing hemorrhoids, it's an important component in their treatment and prevention.
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