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Tell Me How to Get My Ex Back Despite the Distance
When you were a couple, you had the problem of miles between you.
Now, things have ended and you want your former significant other back.
Yet, you have no opportunity to see them without a long trip.
"Please, tell me how to get my ex back!" If you are still pleading for your lover, then read on for some helpful long distance relationship saving tips.
Time is Still Important, Despite Distance Although you may be tempted to communicate with your ex right now, you must give them some time to sort things out.
The distance may make this even more true.
Fight your impulse to text, call, email, or otherwise message your ex.
Give them some time without you.
Rest assured, they will be wondering what you are up to as well! Say it All After some time has passed, you must be prepared to lay it all out for your ex.
Let them know exactly how you feel.
It is possible that he or she doesn't realize just how much you value their company.
Perhaps the distance made them feel neglected? Clear up any misunderstanding by being completely up front and honest about your feelings.
Make Time "I still can't figure out how to get my ex back!" Have you considered making compromises? If possible, an one of you move closer to the other? If the distance is the main issue, something must be done to alleviate the situation.
If moving is not an option, one solution might be to set aside time together.
Whether it is on the phone or through an online chat program.
Some couples enjoy playing online games together as a way to bond and do something as a couple.