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Unexhaustive List of Indicators That Unschooling Might Be Just the Thing For Your Family
- You don't want to 'teach' your child - You realize there are lots of things you don't know and are willing to discover them alongside your child - You are prepared to be a guide, a facilitator and a model to your child's learning adventure, but sometimes only looking in, a bystander.
- You want a hands-off approach for your child's learning experience - You have complete trust in your child's ability to learn, learning is a natural process that shouldn't be meddled with - Coercion is not a word in your family's vocabulary - You think the traditional schooling system is dramatically flawed - You don't want your child to be raised by another person or institution for 8 to 12 hours a day, 16 years of his life.
- You resist the idea that life can be divided into arbitrary categories o knowledge aka subject matter - You do not believe in punishment and reward - You want your child to be at home, but you don't want that to bring on extra 'work' for you - You realize that each person learns at their own pace and this does not define their 'smarts' - You are not keen on the division into age groups (read the misconception of age groups) - You want your children to grow up to be critical thinkers instead of mindless sheep Have anything to add to this list? Feel free to mention it through the comment form below!
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