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San Francisco Festivals and Holiday Events - December - Page Two
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PAGE 2: San Francisco Festivals - December 2008
See Page 1 for Ongoing Events in December
Dates and details are subject to change. Always check with the organization or venue for updates.
The San Francisco New Year's Eve guide has Dec 31, 2008 events.
Tree of Hope - Tree Lighting
Dec 9 - San Francisco City Hall - 6p
Concert starts at 5:30p - Thousands of origami cranes inscribed with wishes for the future of the world will grace The Tree of Hope in the Rotunda of San Francisco's City Hall
Kwanzaa Celebration (Oakland)
Dec 10 - Noon to 1p - Oakland City Center
Featuring the West African Highlife Band
Parol Lantern Festival and Parade
Dec 13 - 5p - Bayanihan Community Center (1010 Mission Street) to Yerba Buena Gardens - 5p
Festival of traditional Filipino parol (lanterns) in holiday parade - volunteer orientation on Dec 9 and 11
See photos of 2007 parade and festival
KPFA Holiday Crafts and Music Fair
Dec 13 & 14 - Concourse Exhibition Center (8th and Brannan) - 10a to 6p
Original arts and crafts plus live music entertainment
Berkeley Farmers' Market 17th Annual Holiday Crafts Fair
Dec 13 - MLK Jr Civic Center Park (Center Street and MLK Jr Way)
Farmers market with variety of beautiful handcrafted gifts and live entertainment
Kwanzaa Gift Show (Oakland)
Dec 13 & 14 - Oakland Marriott Convention Center
$5 (children under 12 free) - 23rd Annual Holiday Kwanzaa and Christmas Gift Show
Nutcracker at the San Francisco Ballet
Dec 11 to Dec 28 - San Francisco Ballet
The critically-acclaimed San Francisco Ballet Nutcracker was the first complete production in the United States
The Christmas Ballet
Dec 13 to 23 - Yerba Buena Center
Smuin Ballet with three new dances by Amy Seiwert, Shannon Hurlburt and Robert Sund - and three favorites from the archives: Blue Christmas, Winter Weather and Cajun Christmas
The Crucible's Holiday Gifty Art Sale and Open House
Dec 13 and 14 - The Crucible (Oakland) - 10a to 4p
Unique and affordable gifts from more than 60 Bay Area artisans
25th Annual Telegraph Avenue Holiday Street Fair (Berkeley)
Dec 13, 14, 20, 21, 23, & 24th - Telegraph Ave between Dwight and Bancroft
Arts and crafts, jewelry, beadwork, wirework, hats, candles, leather work, silk-screened and tie-dyed clothing, pottery, wood crafts, metal crafts, paintings, henna-art, gift boxes, photography and sculptures
Oakland Chanukah Celebration
Dec 17 - Oakland City Center - Noon to 1p
With performance by Klezmania
Smuin: The Christmas Ballet
Dec 17 to 28 - Novellus Theater at YBCA
Both Classical and Cool Acts that reflect the magic of the season
Holiday Lights Boat Parade
Fisherman's Wharf - San Francisco
Dec 19 - 6p - Free
Oldest lighted boat holiday parade on San Francisco Bay, with more than 100 boats with lights and holiday decorations will parade along the waterfront
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