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Lose Weight - Proper Diet and Exercise Are the Only Ways to Make it Happen Besides Surgery
Or do they and they are just being nice about it.
Or maybe you do not have a significant other and your weight may be the reason why.
But who cares? You care and trust me so does your spouse.
They are just being nice about the situation.
Lets face it most of us are just plain lazy when it comes to staying in shape.
Of course before we were "mated" with someone we took care of ourselves.
We wanted to look good so we could attract a mate, but now that we have one were semi content to just let ourselves go a little.
Well let me remind you that what you look like now is not what your mate fell for.
If you want to lose weight then you are going to have to get off your ass and do some work.
Diet and exercise are the only two ways you can lose weight properly.
We could talk about having surgery for weight loss but that is a little expensive and quite unnecessary.
If you follow a proper diet and exercise program you could very easily have dropped upwards of 75 pounds by next year.
Some people will lose more than that depending on how over weight they are.
Here is a little trick that will take 20 pounds off of you without doing anything else.
Stop drinking soda or alcohol.
If you quit drinking one or both of these you will drop 20 pounds without doing anything else.
No many will say I do not know where it start.
I was right there with you this time last year, but I have gone through all the garbage diets and programs for you to save you the frustration.
Bottom line is if you want to get back to fitting into your jeans then now is the time to start.
Tomorrow is a new year, so start it off right!
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