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Natural Solution to Hemorrhoids

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Hemorrhoids are a purely natural problem in your body.
Generally, there are natural remedies to most natural ailments.
The human body always reacts to outside influences that are negative in nature, by exhibiting signs of illness.
Research has shown that hemorrhoids are caused by a variety of factors; however some of the primary root causes are constipation and a distinct lack of fibre in your diet.
This can result in difficulty to pass stool easily.
Factors such as pregnancy, bowel movement strain, stress and lack of liquids are all potential causes as well.
Hemorrhoids can be cured through natural means.
When you notice that you have hemorrhoids, do not panic.
Initial symptoms may be frightening, but with the information we will supply in this article, you will be able to take action immediately to prevent further symptoms from developing.
This is a common condition globally and many people deal with hemorrhoids on a daily basis.
Witch hazel is an effective natural remedy.
It reduces swelling due to its astringent properties.
Less swelling results in more tolerable bowel movements.
Even if you feel like avoiding bowel movements due to the pain they can cause, keeping your stool in can cause more damage due to the strain created.
It will also result in hardened stool, which is more difficult to pass.
Increased fibre intake will ensure your stool is loosened up.
Low fiber diets are a key contributor to hemorrhoids developing.
You are also able to purchase fibre supplements from your local pharmacy.
Softening stool can also be achieved by inserting a peeled garlic clove into the anus.
Do not be too concerned about it's position in the rectum, as it will be passed with your next bowel movement.
This method is effective and many sufferers swear by it.
Aloe Vera gel can also be applied, resulting in a reduction of the itching sensation.
With more severe cases, natural remedies are just as effective, but it is advisable to stay in touch with your health care professional.
Many of us do not like prescription medication, natural remedies, as mentioned above are effective and can replace medication.
This will also prevent any side effects.
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