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Taking Time to Heal From Broken Relationships
You often dedicate so much time to making things work that when they fall apart you feel failure.
There is no greater hurt than failure and often times we feel compelled to examine things down to the very bone.
There are some simple things to keep in mind when dealing with a broken relationship.
Like you I have been in broken relationships that were painful and demeaning to me.
I fought for years to learn about myself that which I could have learned if I had only taken a moment to listen.
When you are at the end of a painful relationship don't close off your world.
Accept those around you that can help you through the pain.
You are not a failure.
Failure is only in those who give up and don't keep pushing forward.
If you pick yourself up and move forward the hurt will diminish and your strength will grow.
There is no need to dwell on the failures of the relationship as your own.
Heed the lessons it teaches you so that you may become stronger in other relationships.
You are not alone.
Life can be filled with broken relationships but there is always a hand that is willing to come forth to help lift you from despair.
As hard as it is at times when you are hurt sometimes the hand that reaches for you is one that can help you through the rough times.
So take comfort in family and friends when dealing with a hurtful breakup.
Do not sink to bad levels.
It is often tempting to do things so the other person feels you're hurt.
You call, text, and even drive over just to make your presence known.
This only shows a weakness in you and when you are stronger and stay the better person you will not regret it later.
Let yourself accept the situation.
Only when you can accept the situation can you truly start to move forward.
Own your piece of the broken relationship and work on improving that for next time.
Even if your piece was not leaving sooner then accept that and know that you will be stronger next time.
Forgive the mistakes.
Whether you are forgiving a boyfriend, girlfriend, spouse, or yourself find that true forgiveness and be at peace in your heart.
This will make you strong and able to pursue life with an open mind without the carried baggage of the past.
When you stop and evaluate the situation you know that healing is a process.
Any type of healing takes time and you cannot expect to heal overnight.
Remind yourself that you are worth the struggle and you will be better for it in the end.
Don't let the hurt and anger consume you and miss out on the things that life will bring you to aid in your healing process.
Unfortunately life has up's and downs thus bringing us many challenges.
It is in these challenges that you can find strength and comfort in the smallest of things.
Take the time to heal and heed the lessons you have learned.
Don't dwell on the negative and show the world that you are stronger for it.