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Now Is Your Chance
~Author Unknown Take a deep breath and let it out.
That breath is where you are right now.
When you come into a deeper understanding of that statement is when you will grasp the concept that all we really have is now.
Oh I know you've probably heard it all before and as cliché as it sounds; when you get it is when you'll really get it.
What many of us do instead is we take things and people for granted every day.
We forget to stop and take the time to tell someone how special they are or that we love and appreciate them.
We skip helping an old person or forget to smile at a stranger because our mind is somewhere else.
We are so busy running around being busy that we literally never stop and smell the roses so to speak.
We don't appreciate the wonder of the world and what is going on all around us.
It's simply something that we allow to slip by us and we live on a more superficial level and forget to savor life.
I often hear people complain about so many minor things that hardly matter in the big scheme of things.
They are focused on what's wrong and how it affects their life instead of being focused on what is good and how lucky they are.
It amazes me how people are sleep-walking through life, mindlessly thinking that they are living.
When in reality they're missing some of the best things that are just passing them by.
So, how do you live in the now instead of staying stuck in the past or worried about the future? We have no control over the past.
We can only take from it the lessons learned.
The past does not exist; only in our minds.
Do you live in the past? Do you live with regrets and guilt or blame? Or, are you so worried about the future and what to do or not do that you are once again missing out on right now? Are you waiting for something to happen in order for you to be happy? Why not be happy right now? Why are you waiting? I think the best way to start to get in touch with living for today is to start each day being grateful for your blessings.
I'm talking about before you get your day started, before you walk out the front door take a few minutes and consciously thank God (or whatever you believe in) for your blessings.
I can list them for you but I'd hope you know what they are by now and perhaps if you don't; it's a good time to re-evaluate all the gifts you've been given.
Next, start to look at what you're looking at.
I know that sounds weird but typically things just pass us by and we miss it all and if someone asked you what the clouds look like or what color the flowers are you just passed by you wouldn't be able to tell them.
Then, when you talk to people try actually listening and being present with them instead of being in a hurry.
When you look at someone try looking into their eyes and really connect.
When you're with people you care about, let them know it.
And, when you do these things you will become more aware of what is happening right now in your life.
You will be living in the present moment which is a gift you give yourself.
We don't always have tomorrow so now may be your only chance to get it right.
Now is the time to show someone love and compassion, to give yourself or someone else forgiveness, to find your inner strength and move beyond your fears, to help people even though you need help yourself.
Now is the time to begin to understand that this moment will never exist again and you have the chance to make your life the best it can be by how you choose to live your life...
in appreciation or indifference.
Eyes wide open or blindfolded.
To love your life in a new way.
It's easy for me to say but so often it is not how we live, my hope for all of us is that each day we live the way we were meant to.
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