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What Is the Parvo Virus?
- Once parvo manifests itself in the stomach lining the dog cannot properly absorb liquids and nutrients, leading to weakness and lethargy.
- Some of the first symptoms of parvo are vomiting, diarrhea and a general malaise that overtakes the animal. Loss of appetite and a terrible-smelling, bloody stool will follow, with severe cases causing dehydration and possible death.
- Vaccinations are available for parvo, with the shots beginning at 6 weeks of age and continuing until the dog is 5 months old for them to be the most effective. The majority of veterinarians recommend an annual booster for parvo, according to Working
- Parvo exists in the feces of infected dogs and can remain infectious for as long as five months. An exposed dog usually takes from a week to 10 days to show any signs of the parvo virus and to test positive.
- A puppy that lives through its battle with parvo often is weak and sickly for the rest of its life. Some will suffer a form of congestive heart failure brought about by the ailment, sometimes years after the dog has apparently recovered from the illness.
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