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How To Draw Simple Cartoons
Proportions are the predictions of spaces between shapes and details in a drawing or any other type of artwork. Cartoons aren't easy to draw without first getting the proportions. However, if one is smart enough to add the proportions and basic outline first, the results can be utterly spectacular. For example, good proportions make a drawing more accurate. Not only does this make the final drawing look more professional, but it also makes drawing a lot more fun. Furthermore, proportions can decrease the amount of work that craftsman and beginning drawers have to apply to finish a simple cartoon.
Secondly, shaping is of utmost importance in drawing cartoons. Shaping is starting out a detailed or complicated drawing with basic simple 2d shapes. These can be small circles for eyes, a large circle for heads, triangles for ears, and so on. By starting with simple 2d shapes, it is a lot easier to add complicated details later on. Therefore, such a technique should be used to improve all cartoon drawings.
Cartoons aren't all photorealistic like. They're more simplified. Almost all cartoons are simplified by using larger shapes and adding less texture and tone to a drawing.
All in all, drawing cartoons isn't hard if one uses proportion development, shaping, and detail simplifying.
Want to learn more? Want to learn how to draw animals, people, flowers, nature, and much more? The website below will teach you everything you need to know. At Tvdrawing, there are step by step drawing tutorials that are suited for both adults and children. The tutorials are simple and self-explanitory.
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