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Canine Hyperadrenocorticism Diet
- Hyperadrenocorticism, commonly known as Cushing's disease, is caused by overproduction of the hormone cortisol. It presents as a dog being overly hungry and thirsty and eventually getting a pot-bellied appearance, with hair loss and thin skin.
- Hyperadrenocorticism is caused by a tumor in the dog's brain. Tumors in either the pituitary or adrenal glands put pressure on the pituitary, which then begins to overproduce cortisol.
- Because cortisol is a steroid, it causes a dog's body to become overactive. One of the side effects is that a dog with Cushing's is constantly hungry. A special hyperadrenocorticism diet needs to satisfy this hunger while helping to control cortisol levels.
- Special diets should always depend on the individual dog. Cushing's dogs should generally eat high-protein, low-fiber, low-fat and low-purine diets. Water should not be restricted, nor should sodium. Calcium and potassium supplements should be balanced and consistent.
- Cushing's can be secondary to other conditions, such as diabetes. Any special diet should take all conditions into account, rather than treating one and allowing the other to grow worse.
Special Diet
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