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How to Control Mice and Rat Infestations in Your Home
All these inconveniences are commonly encountered just because of the existence of these pests.
Evidence of these problems is clear.
Chewed-up foodstuff, fecal matter on flooring surfaces as well as rat sightings are common signs associated with rat or mice infestations.
These types of problems never cease to end.
The good news is there are lots of solutions that exist which would actually help to shield you and your property.
Here are some of the tips you'll need to get rid of these pests: • Rats and mice generally are attracted to food.
With this information in mind, make sure that bits of food are never left on the floor or counter tops.
Clean those areas regularly to prevent mice and rats from sniffing food.
• You can use a cleaner that's ammonia based and use it on your floors and on the top of your counters.
Usually, this wards rodents off due to the strong fumes that are emitted.
A natural cleaning agent can also be utilized as an alternative like peppermint oil since this substance is non-toxic.
• Never leave your food standing for a couple of hours.
Practice sealing them in tightly secured containers to prevent rats from being able to access them.
• Wash your plates and cooking utensils right after using them as they harbor food material thus attracting rats.
Usually they come out during the night and go to your kitchen to search for some food.
Cleaning up prevents them from doing so.
• Mice and rats enjoy staying in warm areas.
Try checking your home for areas like walls having holes or cracks and at the same time are located near appliances that give off heat.
If you find holes, seal them with any material which rats can't chew.
• It may be of help to have a cat with you at home.
Cats enjoy hunting rodents and they delight in this.
Furthermore, rats and mice do not like the scent of cats.
• At times, rats can enter your home through branches of trees.
Make sure you cut them if they touch your window.
• You can create your own rat trap and bait it with pieces of attractive food.
Be sure that the trap is durable, and that the rat should not be able to drag it away.
The trap must not be placed near people who could get hurt.
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