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Canine Incontinence - Urinary Problems Can Be Easily Solved
The cause of this condition is determined via a physical examination of your dog and an analysis of the urine. To take a urine sample, your veterinarian may need to insert a catheter into your pet to ensure that the sample is clean and free of bacteria. Your veterinarian will also check for crystals which are little bits of minerals that are a byproduct of the digestive process. Too many of these crystals indicates a risk for urinary and bladder stone formation.
If bacteria is found, then your dog will require antibiotics to eradicate the infection. You could also try giving your dog some cranberry juice, which like in humans, helps to keep bacteria from clinging to the bladder walls (cystitis) and colonizing along the urinary tract. It also improves the natural ability of the urine to fight off infection.
In some cases fungal infection is found. These types of infections are usually a byproduct of the antibiotics or other medications taken by your dog. It can also be an indicator of diabetes mellitus. Once the medications stop, the fungus should clear by itself or your veterinarian can provide medications.
To help to quickly clear infection, you might also want to try a natural homeopathic supplement made to help with canine incontinence or infection. These products help to strengthen the urinary system and correct the PH of the urine (properties that fight infection).
If the infection clears and the canine incontinence urinary continues, then your veterinarian will look for a physical cause. In females that have been spayed, this is usually due to a condition called USMI, which is a weakening of the muscles that control the flow of urine. Muscle tone can be improved with medications or you can also try a homeopathic approach. Probably both approaches together can be of help. There are other possible structural/physical causes, but this is the most common.
As dogs age, they can just naturally lose muscle tone and control. You can help the older dog by providing predictable meal times and walk times. For example feed your dog 3x a day and then take your dog for a walk after each meal. This predictable pattern should teach your dog when to urinate and when to control the urine. If you believe the urination is due to stress, such as when you are out of the house, consider keeping your dog in a cage or confined area. Dog's will not urinate where they sleep, so confinement to this area should help as long as you are giving your dog enough opportunities to urinate.
If you can't correct the canine urinary incontinence, dog diapers might be called for. Like a baby, be sure to change the diapers frequently to avoid moist dermatits, a skin condition that can cause your dog some discomfort.
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