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Watering Orchids
When watering orchids it provides a medium to transfer nutrients necessary for plant life and make them available for the roots to absorb.
There are many variables that dictate how much and when to water your orchids.
Some of these variables to consider are the size of the container, the age of the orchid, the type of media, the temperature, humidity, and ventilation all contribute to their watering needs.
If any of these variables are changed the orchid needs will change. The healthier the orchid, the faster it will grow and the more water it will need.
When watering orchids over watering is a common problem, especially with small plants and containers. Too much cuts off the supply of oxygen to the roots and drowns them. A main cause of over watering orchids is poor ventilation. Plants need to transpire water into the air. Well ventilated air carries this moist air away, and replaces it with dry air.
Under watering orchids is less of a problem but can happen when using small pots and not realizing the requirements of fast growing plants. Smaller containers can dry out faster and may require more frequent watering.
A good method for watering your plants is to use a kitchen or bathroom sink. This works well for potted orchids because they can easily be moved and placed in a sink. The pot can be positioned into the sink and when watering the plant use lukewarm water or water that is at room temperature.
Thoroughly soak the potting media when watering and then let sit for about 10 minutes to fully soak and allow the media to absorb the water than drain off any excess water. If any water that gets onto the leaves they should be wiped off.
Early in the day is best when watering because this allows the potting media and foliage to dry a little before the temperature drops in the evenings.
Remember to never let the orchid pot sit in standing water.
Take into consideration while watering orchids [] the higher the temperature and the greater the air flow you will need to water more often. The greater the ambient humidity is your orchids will require less watering.
Orchids are amazing plants and are fun and enjoyable to grow. Knowing the type of orchids you have and what their needs are make them easy to care for.
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