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Best Bee Control Tips: Be Aware and Be Safe in Treating Their Nest
There are many reasons why someone would want to get rid of a bee's nest. One of the most prevalent reasons is that the bees have made a home on a part of your house. There are also instances where bees make their nests not on your house but enough to disturb you. For example, they could make a nest on a tree branch that extends just several feet outside of your window.
If you're having problems with bees and you managed to find their nest, then you're probably thinking of ways to get rid of the nest for good. Here are some ways you can go about doing it.
In order to get rid of bees, you'll have to find their nest. Because bees are diurnal (day dwelling) insects, it's easier to find their nests at the beginning of dusk when the sun starts to set, or late dawn when the sun starts to rise. This is when you'll notice the shimmer of wings in the twilight moving toward one particular area. Often times you'll see a whole cloud of them surrounding a hive as they make their way indoors or outdoors.
Figure out where the bees are living. By knowing this one little thing you will be better able to decide whether or not you even need to learn how to get rid of bees. Upon discovering the location of the bee hive or bee nest, people often realize that the bees' proximity to the house is such that bee removal is unnecessary. Since bees do their thing during the day, the best time to look for their hangout is at dusk when they are returning to their home. All you need to do is find a bee and follow it. Do this with a number of bees to make sure they're all going to the same place.
Bag the nest. If the bees' nest is just low enough for you to reach it, then you can bag it up using a large bag and dispose it to somewhere that is far from your house. By far, this is the simplest way to get rid of a bee's nest.You really don't need any special knowledge to get rid of bees' nest. You do need some special protective clothing, though. The protective equipment consist of gloves to protect your hands, a hat, and a veil. A hooded suit is also used, but a hat and a veil is preferable as you need the veil to be some distance away from your face.
Smoke the bees out before getting rid of the nest. It has been known, since ancient times, that smoke calms the bees, although it isn't until the 20th century that the scientific explanation was known. Smoke also masks alarm pheromones released by the guard bees, or bees that have been injured. In addition, the smoke also initiates a feeding response, in the event that the hive will catch fire, making the bee consume honey. When they do, the bee's abdomen distends, making it difficult for them to make the necessary flexes in order to sting. Both the alarm pheromone masking and feeding interrupts the bee colony's defensive response, allowing you better access to the nest to remove it.If the bee's nest happens to be underground, you can also employ the same smoking tactic.
Bees can be a problem, but you don't need to suffer them. Oftentimes, leaving them alone will be enough. For the times when they're already interfering with your family, however, it's time to get rid of the bees and their nests.
Use proper building materials and maintenance procedures. When building, rebuilding, adding on to, or repairing a house, use either hardwood or treated lumber. They cost more initially but you will thank yourself later when you're enjoying a beer instead of dealing with carpenter bee control.
For more wise advise, check out our main page here:
Auckland bee control
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