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The Key Element To Successful Goal Creation
When we start working on a goal, we are usually way down the chart in apathy or grief. Maybe we get up to lust. We just wallow in the negative parts of the chart and never release beyond that. We get bogged down by all the feelings that arise when this powerful process begins its work in our minds. If it were not working, nothing would happen. Be happy about that!
he key to success is USING what comes up to springboard yourself to Courageousness (C) on the chart. That is the ONLY place your goal will manifest in your reality. Simple. Anything under that simply will NOT do it. Successful people without the SM do this naturally, and they move from one success to another. I know that drives you crazy because it does me sometimes. But we must join them and use the KISS Releasing to get to where they are. They could lose it one day and not know how to get back to it, but we will know how to remain there. That is the big difference. And also, we are letting go of our NON WINNING PROGRAMS in the process...PERMANENTLY. We are moving up, they are moving down.
I am developing processes that will drive you into C every day and move you past your "comfort zone". I use these every day myself, so I know they work. "Fake it 'till you make it" Lester often said. He meant that if we are not there yet, act like you ARE. Reality will follow thought. Is it easy to be C? NO. It takes a lot of releasing because we are not used to staying high like that. However, consider the alternative. NO GOALS happening. Revisit the chart to see what C looks like and what feelings are under that heading. Ask yourself, "Am I there every day?" You might be surprised at what you see. Time to change that. Agree?
"You must get rid of your non-winning programs and master the world."...Lester
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