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Symptoms of eating disorders - Anorexia nervosa

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"Eating disorder success stories "is a popular tag in the online search tool and if one browses on that tag one can see in it clearly the ways by which those with binge eating disorder have been saved from their problematic disease. One would be stuck with wonder if one closely observes the various ways these people had suffered to overcome the eating disorder problem and the way by which these people got back to their normal life is indeed a story worth reading over and over again so that we the onlookers would know the real importance of our life. In order to revive these people professional help is sought. This is where the role played by various private rehab centers must be considered.

In these rehabs people with eating disorder are given special treatments and by the professional counseling and medications of the rehab center the life of the person is saved from the hazardous Anorexia Nervosa.

The eating disorder success stories when telecasted either in a local channel show or in a "you tube" online channel clearly conveys the cautioned message to the onlooker asking them not to settle for crash diets. This is because the symptoms of eating disorders normally include the unhealthy way by which an affected person would exercise hard and how they compulsively involve themselves with the crash diet and exercise regimes. They would be extremely sensitive to cold and they would choose to eat alone than in company. Evident problems in their skin, hair as well as nails with the yellow patches of dry skin on body indicate the diseased condition of the person. The physical appearance of these people would be very pale and the unhealthy look shows out when one sets a glance of his/her face. The mentality of these people would be always quite different because all the while they would be obsessed that they are fat! Fat! An increased observation to their own personal looks and the depressed outlook due to their weight is predominant in their out ward appearance .It must be noted that these people would always lament that they are fat inspite of themselves being below the normal weight. Mostly these persons affected by eating disorder would like to vomit out the food they have taken in as they would fear of the increase of weight due to the food intake. Therefore if any of the above symptoms of eating disorders persist in a friend or relative of yours then it is wise to seek the quick professional help at the early stage itself. The recent studies reveal that the chemical imbalance in the brain is the real cause for such binge eaters but when treated professionally these people could be saved from the clutches of death.
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