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Grow Backyard Garden Vegetables That Taste Better.
The reason is that vegetables just picked from a backyard garden are fresh and have not lost any of their vitamin content. They are also better for the eco system because they only came from the backyard vegetable garden and not transported so you saved on the fuel consumption.
Below is a list of some good basic vegetables to start with.
Are easy to grow can be planted in the full sun and the key to tender tasty lettuce is rapid growth so dig soil before planting add plenty compost before planting also fertilize with liquid fish or fish and seaweed fertilizer but do not overdo the nitrogen can produce a bitter taste.
Sow a crop every 2 weeks that way you will have a continuous crop plant seeds 2 to 3 inches deep in soil 10 to 12 inches apart. Water enough to keep the soil moist but not in the evening because he leaves will remain wet and prone to disease.
Can be planted in your backyard garden for full sun exposure add plenty of compost and organic matter after sow your seeds directly into the ground and no matter how careful you spread them out you will need to thin out by pinching the leaf not pulling out or you will attract the carrot fly.
Water in dry spells but do not over water and keep tops covered or hey will turn green. Harvest when they are bright orange and about 6 inches long, cut the greens leaving about 1 inch they store better this way.
When it comes to potatoes you have a few options to choose from for your backyard garden. You can plant directly into the ground or in large pots. But first you need to golf ball size tubers to plant with. Cut the tubers to 11/2 inch thick needs to have eyes and to heal the cut potatoes in a well vented area for 2 days.
Plant into soil 3 inches deep and a foot apart or in a builders bucket with holes drilled in the bottom directly in the center a chitted seed potato and cover with soil. Up earth the soil as the plant grows until you are near the top of the bucket.
Are your sun lovers and prefer a light, fertile soil with plenty of organic matter but not too much nitrogen, a big helping of rotted manure or an organic fertilizer. You can start your plants indoors and trans plant them outdoors to in addition to good soil tomato plants need lots of sunlight so a good sunny spot is needed if your backyard garden does not have the right sunlight try a few containers in your best location for sunlight. Water well use organic fertilizer and things should go well tomatoes are actually easy to grow.
For more intense information go to the next page to read about a compete garden system for the complete home
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