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Natural Home Remedies For Internal Hemorrhoids
According to recent reports, around 75% of the Americans suffered from hemorrhoids at some point in their lives.
Most of the cases occur during middle up to late years.
Apart from this, pregnant women and people with sedentary lifestyle are the usual victims of this medical condition.
Generally, there are two types of hemorrhoids that may be experienced by an individual.
These two types were classified based on where the swollen vein had appeared.
The external hemorrhoids are usually seen on the skin of the anal opening, creating balloon-shaped bulges.
The internal hemorrhoids, on the other hand, create the same bulges only that they occur at an individual's internal back passage.
This type is the most prevalent among the many cases of hemorrhoids.
Aside from going directly to a doctor to undergo hemorrhoidectomy, it is also highly advisable to perform some natural home remedies for internal hemorrhoids.
One of the most convenient ways of alleviating the pain caused by those bulges is to include more fibers in the patient's diet.
It is advisable to start including 20-30 grams of fiber at the start of the diet.
It will help soften stools and ease the bleeding.
Fruits, beans, cereals, and whole wheat to name a few fiber-rich foods.
Another way is by preparing the patient a "sitz bath".
This can be done by setting up a bath tub with warm water and letting the patient sit there for 10-15 minutes.
The effect is due to the therapeutic feeling induced by the warm water while the patient's hips and buttocks are submersed in it.
Ointments and creams are also recommended to treat hemorrhoids.
This remedy is very convenient as most of these ointments are available at any household's medical kit.
Petroleum jelly, Vick's vapor rub, and rash creams are some of the options one can choose from.
However, the patient must be careful when applying these lubricants so as not to further damage the anus' sensitive tissues.
If the patient is into herbal medicine, then using tea-flavored butcher's broom and barberries are ideal medications for him/her.
These herbs are guaranteed by the experts to relieve the discomfort caused by hemorrhoids.
They also help in regulating an individual's blood circulation.
There are a lot of ways to naturally treat hemorrhoids.
And the best part of this is the fact that one can perform it right at the comfort of his/her own home.
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