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How to Quickly Allow Money to Flow to You
Step 1 Claim you abundance.
When you claim your abundance you are taking the first step in a bold way to attract more of it.
Don't worry too much where you abundance will come from.
Just let it flow in the way the universe wants it to.
Release all your fears of lack and scarcity.
You live in an unlimited abundant universe.
Claim this abundance as yours, with certainty and clarity.
Believe it.
Step 2 Provide positive value.
When you are providing positive value in the form of art, music, advice, writing, you are fully expressing your ability for money to flow to you in abundance.
Send out your talents and creative work for others to enjoy and benefit from.
The more you give out the more you get back, this is the law.
This is because you are creating from your higher source.
When you create from your higher source, the energy of money is attracted to you many fold.
Step 3 Be prepared when it comes.
A lot of people aren't vibrationally prepared to receive large sums of money.
In all honesty if you aren't used to a lot of money flow to you with ease, your first reaction will be of fear.
Be prepared by creatively envisioning large sums of money in your possession and the feelings you will experience once it is really there.
Feel this with your mind first, and accept it.
Accept this sum, and get our of your comfort zone, there is plenty of abundance in this world for everyone.
Claim it, provide positive value, and be prepared when it comes.
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