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Dog Care for Eye Drainage

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      Many breeds have long hair that can irritate eyes.naughty dog image by MichMac from Fotolia.com

      Groom your dog's hair around its eyes. Make sure that the hair is cut back and that it does not get into your dog's eyes and irritate them. Have a professional do this if necessary or buy a pair of clippers and attempt to do it yourself. Your dog's own hair is one of many reasons that its eyes get irritated, and making sure that you keep the hair out of its eyes is a simple cure for some eye problems.

    • 2). Look at the eye drainage on your dog. Is it green or infected looking? Does the eye have any redness to it? If it does, you should take your dog to the veterinarian right away. Your vet will be able to prescribe eye drops for it.

    • 3). Wipe the drainage away from your dog's eyes using a wet rag or baby wipes. Use two different wipes or rags, one for each eye. This way if one of your dog's eyes is infected, you will not spread the infection from one eye to the other.

    • 4). Flush the drainage area with an over-the-counter eyewash and warm water. This will remove all of the drainage substance from your dog's eyes.

    • 5). Use any drops that the vet might have prescribed, following the directions to put the drops in. Let the dog blink its eyes a few times in order to get the drops fully across the eyes. Consult your vet if the drainage still looks infected after a few days.

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