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Copywriting Tips - 5 Great Places to Find the "Money Idea" For Your Next Promotion

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Here's an important copywriting tip few people stop and take the time to benefit from.
They say "the devil is in the details.
" The gist of this expression is that it's the small little things you typically overlooked, which cause you big problems and headaches later on.
I think this is true.
After all, you never get hit by the bus you saw coming, right? And when it comes to creating copy or finding ideas to use in your marketing, it's been my experience that the details in the research I do for my projects, are where the lion's share of these ideas come from.
So without any further ado, let me give you five great places to find profitable ideas for your next promotion.
Your existing material.
Chances are good if you've already created ads or marketing material for the goods and services you're selling, you probably have information buried inside these promotions that you haven't maximized.
For instance, you may have focused on too many features (things your goods do) and not enough benefits (end results your goods give your users).
Or you may not have listed any benefits at all.
Grab a yellow pad and a pen and list all the benefits you possibly can and compare that to what you had originally.
Chances are you've missed some critical reasons why people would want to buy.
Competitors material.
Often times, you'll find your competition emphasizing or talking about one or more aspects of usage or consumption that you aren't.
Sometimes, in this information, lies the entire "hook" you need, to make things really shine.
One of my mentors once told me the best way to make a promotion into a winner, is to find something that's doing 'OK' and then apply your magic to it.
By 'magic,' he meant good copy, great strategy, and pressing your prospect's emotional buy-buttons with this information.
This has been some of the best advice I've ever been given and I'd encourage you to use it, as well.
Talk with sales people or distributors who sell the product and interact with customers.
These folks hear every single objection under the sun.
They meet up with resistance all day long.
In these comments often lies the hurdle you really need to overcome.
Speak with the people who actually invented the product, or developed the process.
Many times these folks will give you insight into the reasons why they created it.
Find out their story, their struggles, their background, and what gave them their hopes and dreams about this product.
There are loads of good stories you should be using to tap into your prospect's psyche and push their emotional buy-buttons.
Many of them come straight from "the horses mouth" itself.
Lastly, and perhaps most importantly...
speak to your clients and customers.
You'd be amazed how far apart your perspective about why they buy, differs from the actual reasons why they buy.
What customers have to say about you and about your goods and services is far more important and more insightful than anything else.
These are the folks you're trying to make happy and attract more of.
So if you want more sunshine, just raise your head and look up at the sky.
Now go sell something, Craig Garber
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