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Healing After The Loss Of A Loved One

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What can I say to you that you haven't heard already regarding losing a parent, spouse, or child? When you lose one of your loved ones it is the hardest thing in life to deal with.
You're crushed in spirit, mind, and body.
Your loss is unbearable and you think that you cannot go on in such turmoil, but you can, with the passing of time you do recover from the pain.
I'm not saying you will not remember the loss and possibly relive it in your heart and mind, but you will get through it and can enjoy life again! My son passed away due to a car accident a few years ago and the loss of him in my life was an overwhelming emptiness.
However, I did heal, but have not forgotten him.
I went through all of the grieving process.
The first thing I felt was unbelief, then sorrow, then I was unjustly angry at God, his wife, his job, his in-laws, and myself, but I believe all of the emotions that I went through was necessary to move forward to the place that nobody wants to hear and that is of acceptance.
The process is not always the same for everyone and some people experience the steps to healing in a different order; you might even go back and forth, but that may be necessary and it doesn't mean that you are stuck or that you are never going to heal, it's just who you are and that is OK! Don't be too judgmental on another person that is not experiencing what you are at the moment, because remember that everyone deals with death and dying their own way.
You may think they do not care because they aren't tearful or they haven't taken time off work.
I guarantee they are dealing with it, just their way.
Hospice is a program that is covered by most health insurances.
Hospice can help families that have lost or is about to lose a loved one by providing care to the dying and counseling to help the family.
Hospice believes there are 7 steps that you may experience after the loss of a loved one.
Listed below are the 7 steps to the grieving process: 1.
Shock and Denial: This is a way to protect yourself from feeling the pain 2.
Pain and Guilt: The shock wears off and is replaced with unbearable pain and thoughts that you should have or could have prevented it from happening.
(This Is Not True) 3.
Anger and Bargaining: This is where you might lash out at another person close to you or start the blame game.
Try to avoid this because this can cause permanent damage to your relationship.
You may even ask God if you stop or do something can you have them back.
(Bargaining) 4.
Depression, Reflection, and Loneliness: At this stage you are really just starting to realize your loss.
Friends and family will mean well to try to talk you out of this stage, but it is a normal stage and actually it is one of the most important steps to go through.
The Upward Turn: Physical symptoms lessen and your depression has lessened.
You start to move a little.
Reconstruction and Working Through it: You become more functional and your mind starts working again.
You will begin to work on practical and financial problems; and take small steps dealing with every day things.
Acceptance and Hope: You begin to learn to accept and deal with your loss.
It does not mean that you will experience instant happiness, but you will start to find your way forward.
I can now look at pictures and talk with others about my son; we enjoy the times we all share about him and you will too,just allow yourselfand others the time to regain your life as your loved one would have wanted.
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