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Tips On How Mediums Use Mind Power To Do Mediumship

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How mediums use their minds to reach the spirit side is a question that has been asked for centuries by both the individuals who believe in the powers and gifts of psychics, and by the individuals that doubt the existence of anything they cannot see, touch, smell, hear or taste.
Because we cannot actually see how mediums use their mind to reach the spirit side there are many people who do not accept that these gifted individuals can receive messages from people who no longer walk among the living in a physical body that we recognize.
It is hard to comprehend how mediums use their mind to reach the spirit side unless you have an open mind and you believe in all things supernatural.
You have to accept that there are beings that we cannot see that walk among us and that are even capable of communicating with some of us.
This communication often happens when the psychic is in a dream like state called a trance, and frequently happens when they are actually dreaming.
Acceptance of things we cannot perceive with our ordinary senses is the key part of how mediums use their mind to reach the spirit side.
These individuals are talented and capable of seeing and feeling the presence of people who are now in different realms and in forms that are not what we consider to be conventional human forms.
Psychics can see, hear, and communicate with Angels, and with other realms of existence like with our past and our future beings.
They use these powers to help people discover the truth behind their past and the truth that is waiting for them in the future.
They even use these powers to help people be healed of diseases of the body and of the spirit.
But, how mediums use their mind to reach the spirit side has been a puzzling question for those of us that do not have the same level of control over our minds that these individuals have.
As a matter of fact the question of whether a psychic has additional powers of intuition or if these people are actually just individuals that have practiced using their natural born instincts has been debated for generations.
To reach the people that have passed away and not inhabit the earth in forms that are not readily accepted by the majority of people a psychic must have the following qualities.
  • They must be open minded and non-judgmental
  • They have to pay close attention to their surroundings
  • They have to pay close attention to the little nagging feelings that most of us ignore
  • They have to accept the things that so many do not believe in
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