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Get Your Ex Back - How to Win Your Ex"s Love Back
But this is what you need to have in order to get your ex back.
If you can't think straight everything will fall apart.
Its also important that you do not get emotional around your ex, this will show independence on your part.
There's a few things that need to take place before you can begin the process of getting your ex back.
First you need to give them a few days to just be to themselves...
This allow both of you to just clear your thoughts and cool down from any arguments you may have had a few days before.
During this time it is very important that you do not call your ex...
They need to know that you are an independent person who will have a positive perspective no matter what happens in the relationship.
This shows true confidence which is naturally attractive and will raise your value in the eyes of your ex.
Next you need to accept the break up if you haven't already...
If you had a major argument with your ex about the break up then send them a hand written letter saying how you were wrong the other day and you think the break up is the best thing for both of you...
It's important that you agree with the break up and get on the same side as your ex.
If you try to pull them back into the relationship by calling them they will just push further away...