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Dealing With Garden Pests

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One of the most frustrating aspects of gardens and gardening is the need to deal with pests attacking, and in some cases destroying, your beautiful plants.
This is the stuff of nightmares for many gardeners, but dealing with garden pests need not be as much of a headache as you might think.
Whether you are faced with slugs, worms, birds or even the occasional rabbit, there is no sure fire way to completely eliminate most pests, but the good news is that there are ways to ensure that they don't destroy all of your hard work before you have the chance to reap the rewards.
Clearing The Way For Pest Free Gardens And Gardening The first line of defense for keeping pests away from your prized garden plants is to eliminate any nearby breeding grounds that may exist.
Decaying leaves and other dead plant matter should be kept in your composting area which should be away from your immediate garden area.
Removing any weeds and keeping the ground properly aerated and well dug can also help you to not only rid yourself of pests but also give your plants a much better foothold.
Calling In The Big Guns Though they often be toxic, there are times when using chemical pesticides is the only method for completely getting those persistent pests away from your garden.
I urge you to use caution whenever making use of toxic pesticides, especially on and around any plants that may be used for food.
As an alternative there are quite a few excellent nontoxic and all natural options on the market for pest removal in the garden, and I have had great results from several of these products.
Talk to an expert at your local garden center about the options that are available in your area.
The Birds Are Hungry! If you have a problem with birds pecking away at your garden beauties, the solution that has worked for me is to put up one or two bird feeders in other areas of my yard.
The birds get the food they need, and my garden plants don't have to suffer their wrath.
It's a win-win situation, and I have the pleasure of watching birds from my picture window! As a big advocate of natural gardens and gardening, I encourage you to explore alternatives to chemical treatments whenever possible.
When you do need to use them, take steps to ensure that pets and small children do not play in the area, as most of these chemical agents can be highly toxic to humans and animals.
Though they can be frustrating to deal with, all it takes is a bit of diligence and determination and any pest problems in your garden can be a thing of the past.
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