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Get an Ex Back - Attraction and Getting Back Your Ex
The question is, how do you get your ex back? This is simple.
You must re-establish the feelings of attraction that your ex once had for you.
All break ups, in one way or another, are brought on by a loss of attraction.
Your first instinct, when you are trying to get your ex back, is to try to SHOW your ex how you feel.
You think if you are just a little bit more attentive, a little more generous with your time, and a little more sweet to them, that they will realize that they still love you.
I hate to tell you this, but the truth is, this behavior will only push your ex farther away.
If you REALLY want to get your ex back then you will realize that, while making attempts to get your ex back, you are playing with a wounded psyche.
The decisions you make, when trying to get your ex back, are usually incorrect as to what you really need to do.
You are trying to do the things your ex wanted BEFORE they broke up with you.
Now that they have broken up with you, and you are doing all of the little things they wanted before the break up, then you are sending the message that it's okay for them to break your heart.
You will treat them like gold anyway.
You are placing entirely too much value on your ex after they hurt you.
If you think that they are more important than your own well-being, well, then why should they think any different either? In your wounded state, you are just reeking of the desperate, needy, and clingy behavior that turns any normal human being off.
If you want your ex back, then it is imperative that you cut off all contact with your ex, until you have healed enough from the damage, so that this desperation is not so obvious.
Getting your ex back involves re-establishing the attraction that the ex once had for you and this can only be accomplished by some patience on your part.
You must avoid any urge to contact your ex.
You must avoid the urge to confess any feelings to your ex, for at least a while.
Your ex feels guilty enough about dumping you, so to add to that guilt by constantly trying to discuss the relationship, will only make the ex feel even more guilty.
This has a cyclical effect in that your ex will associate those feelings of guilt with you.
Meaning they will begin to detest your company because of how they feel around you.
That is one of the ways attraction fades so, if you want to get your ex back, you must avoid this at all costs.
Being in your depressed state, trying to avoid discussing the relationship will always prove to be too difficult, so you are better off avoiding all contact with them for a while.
So take yourself an emotional vacation from the pain.