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The habits of children today were moving fast and they all want to get-in touch for a new trend and easily adopt the changes in the surroundings. Control C and control V that's how I describe the children of today. Copy either positive or negative acts and paste it in their life. Back in days kids were respectable folks. They would do their homework and then worry about having fun. Now kids of today go home and use their cellular devices. Back in days also kids were thinking of their future but today kid's thinking about sex, drugs and Justin Bieber. They definitely respect each other compare today.
Probably, a mother must be concern to this matter. Child care is important so as a parents at their very young age teach them to focus on their study. As I observe most parents these days don't truly raise their kids they just put their kids in front of television. The media is very unhealthy for children that will affect your family health. Also there are a lot of parents who have kids at very young or before they have matured mentally, so they are unable to teach their kids properly how to behave.
At least, discipline them in using technology. Budget their time, more time must be spent in reading books. Always put a conversation with them, during lunch time or after they go back at home from school. Every weekend make a leisure time and do outdoor activities like jogging or playing sports for your kids to be healthy. Consequently, always tell your kids just to be themselves. They don't need to be like of anyone else or either looks like their idol. Enjoy their being kids, fun of playing and doing mistakes. Look over their behavior and make sure that they can't copy the negative behavior that they see in movies, friends and internet. Know their friends for you to be safe that your kids were accompanied with good companion.
This is a completely different generation. Society has completely changed since you were growing up. Back then values were placed on obedience and respectfulness. Now values are placed on the exact opposite. Kids are taught by society to question authority and speak their minds no matter what. But really it all comes down to the parenting. Just have time to check your kids each and everyday. You must be the one who will control to your kids. Control with Care and control with Victory that's how control "C" and "V" will your kids be copied and paste it in their life.
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