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Trademark search
These trademarks are under the responsibility of the Unites States Patent and Trademark Office, and by registering your brand,you are both assured that there won't be another one such as yours, and that those which are already registered, are protected from the eventuality in which your products and services present too many similarities. For the purpose of trademark search, you can address the Patent and Trademark Depository Libraries, where you have the possibility of manually making trademark inquiries, using the Trademark Electronic Search System for the research off al United States trademarks, or the Trademark Applications and Registrations Retrieval that can spare you from the time loss in having your own application rejected due to those already existent.
In certain circumstances, you may prefer to have a lawyer specialized in domain name registration and trademark laws that can do more for you than just a simple search, and also inform you with regard to the likelihood of having your own brand successfully registered. This may serve you particularly well in the situation in which you do not possess the time, or even the resources, required for engaging in this type of research by yourself. You should also take into consideration that there is also the possibility of breaking a company's rights even when you don't personally succeed in finding another brand similar to yours. However, the trademark attorney is a guarantee that this will not happen, providing you a detailed analysis.
The property rights that trademark registration can confer you, apart from a unique identity, include an increased ability for promoting and securing your business, by offering your customers a clear and stable name on which to base their further loyalty.You will also gain the legal deterrent which will protect you from any intellectual property infringement that may come from other companies' part, assuring in this way your business's profit and longevity on the market, in an environment that is full with competitors who sometimes choose to make their profits from someone else's success.
In the eventuality in which you choose to keep your brand unregistered, there are of course the legal procedures of the common law that still recognize your rights as a company and protect you from intellectual theft. However, the legal routes required for proving the uniqueness of your brand in this case are much more intricate and time-consuming, sometimes taking up to even seven years in order to accrue the enforceable passing of rights. It may also prove significantly more expensive than trademark search and registration; therefore, it's not advisable if you have serious plans for your business.
The most reliable trademarks always begin with a minute trademark search, conducted either by yourself, or you attorney, that has the power of guaranteeing you a complete protection against all forms of intellectual property infringement.
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