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Think Slim - More Weight Loss Tips
Firstly is to model the behavior of someone who is already slim, either through good living, or they have achieved their weight loss goals.
I don't mean some stick insect person, or that really annoying person who can eat whatever they like and not gain an ounce.
I mean a person with a similar natural body type to you, who appears to live sensibly and avoids crazy diets.
You will notice that this person is active, they exercise regularly, they have good energy, and are most likely in good health.
So you can't model their energy yet! It does not matter.
Set your own targets as you work towards their activity level.
This person can be anyone you admire for their healthy attitude.
Imagine how they think when they are contemplating exercise, grocery shopping, cooking or dining out.
Start to think as if you have already achieved your goal, and act accordingly.
What would their kitchen pantry look like? Would it be full of cookies, soda or other snacks? Would they super size their meals, would they have the fries with their steak and salad? Would they prefer a sugar or fatty snack or would they have a piece of fruit? Would they order cake with their coffee? Would they feel they were missing out if they did not order cake? Do they mind if they have to walk a bit further to their car? Do they find others to help them keep on track? Do they lash out occasionally? Probably, unless they are super human.
Can you begin to see how your slim friend may make different choices on a day to day or hour to hour basis and how these choices will work for you or against you? Remember the best weight loss is a little on a consistent basis over time, rather than a lot in a short time.
Secondly, thinking slim is using the same techniques that elite athletes and successful business and sales people have used for over 40 years The power of positive visualization.
"Oh no, not that rubbish!", you may say.
I have been told.
I used it a few times and it did not work.
I can guarantee than no successful person has ever used it a few times for a good result.
They do it for a few minutes daily until it works, and it always does.
You may remember Cathy Freeman the Australian runner who won the 200 meter sprint at the Sydney Olympics.
She had seen herself win that race thousands of times in her mind since she was a child.
She persisted until she succeeded.
How to Visualize: Sit quietly, allow yourself to relax.
You may choose to think about someplace like a beach or a forest, any place that you find very calming.
Now see yourself at the weight of your choice.
It may be your ideal weight or perhaps somewhere between where you are and where you plan to be.
Don't worry if the image isn't perfect, it is your intent that counts.
See yourself being active, going for walks, eating healthy food, having fun, buying new clothes.
Keep it light and fun.
Did you know that even visualizing exercise can stimulate the release of growth hormone and you get some of the benefits of actual exercise? I don't run anymore after a knee reconstruction years ago.
But when I visualize running on the beach or up a flight of stairs, my muscles around my knees start to twitch as if I really am running.
I love it.
This visualization is really very simple.
It doesn't take long and it is good to spend some time just relaxing.
When you open your eyes you will feel refreshed, and a bit closer to your goal.
Have fun, relax and enjoy the process.
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