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Restaurant Coupons Help Diners Save Money
However, you can enjoy a nice night out and not break the bank by using restaurant coupons. These coupons can help bring the cost of your meal. Where can you find one of these coupon codes? Many times you can cut them out of a local newspaper, a magazine or, another good source, online. You can download them over the internet, print them out and bring them to the restaurant. Most times you won't have to pay for these restaurant coupons.
Before you dine at a restaurant, see if you can get yourself a restaurant coupon first. There are lots of online sites that offer coupons from a variety of local restaurants. Usually, you have to subscribe to their newsletter or register to first. You get a free coupon and you will receive the most recent offers by the restaurants in return. Visit the restaurant's website for you to have an idea what discounts and promos they are having. Or you can just ask form your local restaurants if they have any coupons available and where they distribute them.
Coupons will vary from one restaurant to another. There are offers for free appetizers, free desserts, free drinks, buy one dinner and get on for free or $5, $20 off or more from your total bill. Also, you can find coupons that offer 10 - 50% off on one check. If you have your child with you, take advantage of coupons that give you free children's meal with purchase of an adult.
As with any coupon, be sure to read the fine print. First, check the expiration date so you don't miss out on the deal. In rare circumstances, a restaurant will accept expired coupons. However, in general, once you passed the expiration date, it is no longer usable. To keep up with valid coupons, it's often a good idea to subscribe to online newsletters to get updated, new coupons.
One last tip. Be sure to tip your waiter on the total amount before the discount and not after. Your server will be happy you're using a coupon, but not if they get shorted on their tip.
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