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Men"s Jealousy
Jealousy is a disagreeable feeling of insecurity and even anger that arises when a potential rival appears in the life of the object of affection.
Sometimes the opponent may be even imagined by the man.
The degree of man's jealousy depends on how strong he is attracted to a woman.
A beautiful woman attracts attention that is why her man will be jealous each time another man gives her a compliment.
Jealous man controls every step of his woman, he don't allow her to wear short skirts or dresses, make an attractive make-up, and he even prohibit talking with people whom he considers potential rivals.
This morbid men's jealousy leads many women to depression, and they try to escape from such men, searching for calm love, mutual understanding and trust.
In case you have a jealous husband you should forget about friends-men forever for your own peace of mind.
Pathological jealousy.
This kind of jealousy leads to frightful consequences.
Both men and women suffer from it.
Woman jealousy is different she may be jealous without showing it to her husband for years, man on the contrary are very spontaneous and may in every moment have a burst of jealousy.
Such men's burst of jealousy is considered by psychiatrists as a symptom of a mental illness, as in such situations men don't control themselves.
What causes men's jealousy? Women are such creatures who like to be appreciated and receive compliments.
They love when someone says that they are beautiful.
Men perceive this as a way to find another man; they think that they are like an application.
The more a man loves himself, the more jealous he is on his spouse.
That is why some husbands do not like when their woman is leader in something.
If she receives compliments and successfully climbs career ladder, he suffers.
Also the simple thought of a sexual infidelity leads to jealousy as men become uncertain in paternity of their future or existing children.
Idea about sexual infidelity is perhaps the most frequent reason of jealousy among men.
They even can become angry if suspect their wives of sexual infidelity.
The more egoistical a man is, correspondingly the more jealous he is.
He always suspects that his wife is unfaithful to him.
He can't admit that may be someone better than him.
Man's mentality, desire for leadership not only at work but in a family determines his degree of jealousy.
One may be suspicious; another may even hit and kill in a pitch of fury.
People should learn to talk and resolve some suspicious things with their partners to look at the situation soberly and have mutual respect.