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Change Your Attitude to Get Back With Your Ex
I know the feeling of pain, anger, and frustration that you are going through.
Breaking up happens almost everyday around the world.
That's just the facts that you have to face.
You are not alone in this one.
I know that is hardly consoling, but you have to face the fact that not every break up can be fixed.
However, let me also state that most break ups can be saved if you know what you are doing.
You have to change your attitude if you are going to get your ex back.
If you have tried everything to get your ex back - calling his or her phone repeatedly, texting excessively, stalking and other things.
Stop at once.
Don't let your emotions explode.
Don't let your ex control your actions.
You are in control here.
Here's how you can change this attitude.
You are in control.
As hard as it is to do, you are in control of your emotions.
You are the only one who can keep your emotions from raging all out.
So keep your hands off the phone and stop calling or texting at once.
Pursuing your ex aggressively will only turn them off even more.
Be positive about the situation.
Take this as a time to recuperate and lick your wounds.
This will give your ex time to evaluate things.
The space you are giving your ex will be much appreciated, believe me.
When you are positive, a lot of good things happen.
Smiling a lot can attract people more than brooding.
Remind your ex how fun you are to be with again by being jolly all the time.
Do not act desperate no matter how desperate the situation.
This culminates to being in control and being positive.
A desperate person is not an attractive partner.
Act strong and in control, this is the mature way to go about things.
Even if you fake strength and maturity, who can tell? This is still changing yourself for the better.
This will help you more in the long term and not just your current situation.
Do not call your ex.
Calling your ex right away will just be rushing him or her to make up with you.
What you need to do is to leave intriguing voicemail and text messages that your ex will not be able to resist calling you back right away.
This is just one of the first steps you can do to make your ex call back.
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