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Authors, It"s Time to Think Outside the Box! What You Should Know About the Publishing Industry
In the 80's, I was an editor for a thriving publishing house in Cincinnati.
We published high-quality text books for middle schools, high schools, and universities.
The company had been in business for 25 years and had an excellent reputation.
Shortly after I moved to Seattle, the company was purchased in a hostile take-over.
The first thing the new owners did was lay off half of the staff.
They kept all the marketers, for they knew the value of marketing.
But they knew nothing about publishing.
They totally gutted the heart and soul of the company: the creative teams, the production teams, and the editorial staff.
Several of my friends and co-workers wrote me on a regular basis about the horror stories taking place there.
Overnight, it had morphed from a great place to work into a nightmare.
Needless to say, the company went out of business within a few short years.
These types of take-overs happened all over the US in the 80's and the 90's.
I've attended many writer's conferences and heard tales from both authors and editors about this situation.
Back then, there was little a writer with original ideas and a unique voice could do about it-companies that only care about the bottom line are not interested in something that won't have immediate mass appeal.
Their mindset is: If it's hard to market, it's not worth looking at.
They don't want anything new and different: they want niche items that fit into established genres.
Anything too thoughtful or too different is out.
This circumstance left writers, like myself, scrambling to get accepted at small presses.
What did I hear from them? They told me that they were receiving a 100 times more manuscripts than they had in the past.
They were often booked for 10 years or more into the future, and they weren't accepting anything new.
In fact, they weren't even opening the envelopes to see what was being sent to them! Usually, they would just return them with an apology form letter, or they would throw them away.
Yes, back then, there wasn't much writers with unique ideas and unique voices could do.
But that has ALL CHANGED with the Internet! It's time for writers to realize that times have changed.
Those who still believe they need a printed book must start thinking outside the box.
I say this with love in my heart, for I have had to go through this same transition.
I have also learned that not everything associated with the internet has good results.
For example, did you know that if you have a printed book available from Amazon, it's actually MORE difficult to promote than having an e-Book listed on ClickBank? The reason is simple: most affiliate marketers (i.
: those who sell most of the stuff on the internet) won't go through the trouble of actively marketing items that offer them a small commission.
And where does that leave the author who has gone through the hard work getting their work self-published (usually through a print-on-demand publisher)? It leaves them sitting there, with a book, and no where to go with it.
Again, I speak from experience.
I myself have two printed volumes available through Amazon, and I no longer bother trying to sell them.
Instead, I have chosen ClickBank as THE SYSTEM that will allow me to get my works into the world.
it's working!! ClickBank is just the starting point in an EFFECTIVE marketing venture.
But it's a MAJOR starting point.
It allows YOU to market your own books successfully.
YOU are in control.
There are many tricks to this which we have discovered, and continue to discover, and we are willing to share this knowledge with you.
One of the first things you must realize is: It is up to YOU to get Your Work into the World, but you don't have to do it alone.
So, if you are serious about your Work, Listen.
If your Work keeps calling to you because it's tired of sitting in the closet, or in the drawer, or under the bed, then Listen.
It wants you to Keep Your Dream Alive! Your own Work is calling to you! It wants to be rebirthed.
This time, it wants to be birthed into the World so that IT, and YOU, can Make a Positive Difference during these very important times.
OUR WORLD NEEDS YOU to start Believing in Yourself, and in Your Gifts, so that you can do what you came here to do! You don't have to be kept down by the "Old System" any longer.
There is a NEW SYSTEM for a NEW WORLD.
The paradigm has already shifted, and those who can recognize this, and go with the flow, shall prosper.
And THEY shall make the difference.
We intend to be among those who can think outside the box, release our own chains based on outdated beliefs, and move forward.
We encourage you to do the same.
And, if you choose, we can help you.
In many, many ways these are GREAT TIMES we are in living in.
And we, the Creators--those who can see and express Beauty and Truth-can make it even better.
Let's join together, and "Make It So!"